
  1. Place boards 7 manly paces apart, tip to tip (~21 feet) with the 5 point pockets facing each other.

  2. 2 or 4 player game. Teams of 4 players follow the instructions as written. Teams of 2 players, man up and take your 7 manly paces between each round. Scoring and rules remain the same.

  3. Pick a color washer for your team. Team members stand at opposite boards.

  4. All washers must be tossed underhand or with a frisbee toss motion. No overhand throwing of the washer is allowed.

  5. Youngest player tosses first. Team 1 player tosses all 3 washers one at a time. Team 2 player standing at the same board does the same. The round ends after both players are done tossing. Tally the points (See below for scoring instructions).

  6. Game is played to 21 points, with points scored at the end of the round after all washers have been tossed.

  7. While tossing washer, your foot cannot cross the front plane of the board.

  8. At the end of each round, the leading team will throw first in the next round. If neither team scored, the tossing order remains the same from the previous round. (This gives the losing team after each round the opportunity to know where to toss their washers—trying to cancel or S.O.L. the other team.)

  9. If either team reaches 20 points at the end of the round, team members in the next round will alternate turns throwing — Team 1 throws 1 washer, team 2 throws 1 washer. Repeat until both teams throw all 3 of their washers.

  10. If your score exceeds 21 points at the end of the round, your team earns no points for that round and returns to your score in the previous round. Your washers can still cancel the opposing team’s washers.

  11. If a team reaches 21 points and the other team has not taken their turn, the other team gets to toss their remaining washers to try and cancel any of their points.

  12. If a team scores 21 points with washers remaining in their hand, they must still toss all 3 washers to finish the game.

  13. If both teams in the same round reach 21 points, you enter a sudden death round — All players will get a chance to toss their washers. The team to accumulate the most points wins. If it's a 2 player game, each person will toss their washers to the opposite board and the sudden death round ends there. If it's a 4 player game, the other 2 team members will toss their washers back, and the total points will be accumulated at that time.

  14. Have fun!



Board Scoring.png

Leaner: A washer leaning in any way adds 1 point to the value of that space. (i.e. if your washer leans on the outer portion of the box in the 1 pt zone, it would be 2 points (1 + 1). 

Cancellation Scoring: If teams land in the same point zone, only those points cancel. Example: Team 1 lands in 3 point zone & team 2 lands in 5 point zone, both teams get the points. If both teams land in the 3 point zone, those points cancel.

S.O.L.: If the opposing team’s washer overlaps (even slightly) on your washer in any way, the total score of the bottom washer instantly goes down to zero. All points are gained by the team on top during that round, including the point value earned by the cancelling washer — It pays to be on top!

If both teams somehow have a washer on the bottom (or sandwiched between 2 washers, both teams go back down to zero and the top washer does not gain the points that round.

Instant Winner: Washer lays flat on the board with the peg in the middle (a.k.a. Ringer). If it leans on the peg in any way, that doesn’t count. 


Items included in "The Pack"

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If you have lost or misplaced your rules, click here for a printable PDF.

*Note: In the "what you get" section of the video, we have 1 wagering stick listed... you actually get 2... sorry for the confusion. We are working on fixing this.